Cheat Sheet
Field Tag Quick Reference Guide for USPTO TESS Searching
Julie MacDonell
Sep 2, 2024

Field Tag | Description | Example
CM: | Combined Mark (word mark, pseudo mark, translation, transliteration) | CM:fiesta
LD: | Live/Dead Indicator | LD:true or LD:false
CC: | Coordinated Class | CC:009
IC: | International Class | IC:025 or IC:(025 a b 200)
GS: | Goods and Services | GS:dish* or GS:"dietary supplements"
SN: | Serial Number | SN:90866054
RN: | Registration Number | RN:6832052
RG: | Register | RG:principal or RG:supplemental
DS: | Disclaimer | DS:beauty
DC: | Design Code | DC:26.17.13 or DC:261713
DE: | Description of the Mark | DE:panda
OW: | Owner Name, Address, or Entity | OW:registrant or OW:"registrant inc"
ON: | Owner Name | ON:"world wide"
AT: | Attorney of Record | AT:"Jane Smith"
FD: | Filing Date | FD:[20230101 TO 20231231]
RD: | Registration Date | RD:[20220101 TO 20221231]
PO: | Published for Opposition | PO:*
ST: | Status | ST:"registered and renewed"
FT: | File Type | FT:"statement of use"
Note: Use lowercase for search terms and uppercase for field tags. Combine field tags with AND, OR, NOT operators for complex searches.